Upon entering the amphitheatre one is able to see the inner part of the Mother's head. The outer lining of her face wants to portray the ARK OF THE COVENANT. Beneath this lie the mysteries of life and of salvation, which is to say: the paschal mystery. Deeper into the amphitheatre, that is, at the centre of MARY'S MIND there lies a large stone slab. Upon this slab is sculptured the figure of the IMMOLATED LAMB - of the Lamb who was slaughtered (cf. Rev 5:6).
The LAMB is priest, victim and altar. Blood and water gush forth from the Lamb and flow into the font of life from which all men and creatures drink.
Encircling this font is THE NEW WORLD which gets larger as the tiered seats rise up, as though they were waves which reach out to embrace the Universal Church, all of Christ's mystical Body, and all creation.
The TIERED SEATS accommodate the faithful who, through Mary, unite themselves totally to the sacrifice of the Lamb. They make up Mary's crown, and it is in them that Mary Immaculate triumphs because when she is united to them and to the Lamb she becomes Mother in a very special way (cf. Salvifici Doloris, 26).
In the blood and water everything is regenerated and lifted up to God. The main STAIRS in the amphitheatre farm the shape of aCROSS. Placed upon this cross are the immolated Lamb, the spring of life and the new world. One can descend to this place, and go back up only through the cross.
On the Lamb's right is the AMBO (an lectern) upon which rests the Book of life, the seal of which was opened by the blood of the Lamb (cf. Rev 5:5),
These elements are placed in line with Our Lady's ear and the intent is to symbolize the way Mary continually listens to the Ward.
Mary conceived the WORD OF GOD; she was united to the Ward through the Holy Spirit, and with her whole being she entered into the glory of heaven.
This is a call far each of us. Those who are united to the immolated Lamb, as Mary was, will comprehend the mysteries of life and will be transfigured by the Ward of God.
Jesus offered Himself to the Father in the Holy Spirit. In His sacrifice He is baptized with fire. His sacrifice is a perfect one. Those who surrender themselves entirely to Jesus Christ through Mary will also be lighted with the fire of the Spirit, so that they, too, might become a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God (Rom 12:1).
This is expressed through the presence of the BRAZIER on the Lamb's left. Both the Ambo and the Brazier have been cut out of the same stone typical of Herzegovina. These elements - cut out in the same stone - represent unity.
Being enclosed within Mary's immaculate heart we are brought closer to the Lamb with the desire of being associated to His sacrifice. To Him we offer up our own lives; they become an OFFERING OF LOVE TO GOD. This is the true meaning of participation at Holy Mass.
Before the immolated Lamb, who grants fullness of life, one does not ask for anything, for He has already given everything to mankind. Before the Lamb, instead, it is right to offer one's own life that it might be regenerated in His blood.
No philosopher can help us comprehend this. We just need to enter into communion with God who is the way, the truth and the life (Jn 14:6). Life is raised up thanks to Him; it is renewed; it receives new vigor, and is filled with the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and proclaimed, “If any one thirsts, let him come to me! Let him come and drink who believes in me. As the scripture has said, 'Out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water.'" Now this he said about the Spirit, which those who believed in him were to receive; for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.(Jn 7:37-39)
Then he showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb. (Rev 22:1).
However, the river of life flows also from the apostles and from all those who have offered up their own lives: Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so am I sending you. (Jn 20:21)
The word amphitheatre is in itself very symbolic, but for the faithful it definitely brings to mind those ancient amphithea­tres where the first Christians witnessed their faith in Jesus with the spilling of their own blood. Besides evoking this "blood of martyrs which became the seed for new Christians" our amphitheatre wants to call us to offer ourselves as wit­nesses of the living God.